What are the 4 types of keywords?

01 December 2022 By papmall®

04 types of keywords in Google Ads are Broad Match, Broad Match Modifier, Exact Match, and Phrase Match.

  • Broad match: A broad match provides the biggest reach with the least relevancy. Your keyword will match search words that are either variation of it or judged relevant by Google Ads. This means that your full keyword does not even have to be included in the search query. As a result, a broad match can occasionally waste Google Ads money, thus it should be used sparingly and with negative keywords. If you do not specify differently, your keyword will be set to broad match.
  • Broad match Modifier: A broad match modifier is comparable to but more nuanced than a broad match. This method is placing a plus sign (+) before each term in your keyword that you want to appear in a person's search query. As a result, the ad will be displayed only if the +[keyword] is included in the search.
  • Exact Match: The most particular type is an exact match. When you use this option, your ad will only appear if the person is looking for your identical keyword or a close variation of it, such as misspellings, singular and plural versions, stemming, acronyms, and abbreviations. The ad will not be triggered if the precise terms are used in the search query but in the wrong sequence (or if the search includes extra words).
  • Phrase Match: A phrase match is more flexible than an exact match, but it is still very specific. When this form of ad is used, a person can search for a phrase that includes your keyword or a close variation of it. Additional terms in the query can come before or after your keyword, but not in the middle.

In fact, promoting your brand efficiently requires operators to have in-depth knowledge about the industry, SEO, and insights into target audiences as well as marketing techniques. Therefore, users are suggested to hire an expert team in the digital marketing field for the operation of papmall®.

papmall® is one of the largest e-commerce platforms for talented freelancers to provide their expert services globally. Customers can access papmall® to find their in-need services such as digital marketing, media, IT programs, and software. papmall® has expanded the scale of operation in big countries like America, Canada, Singapore, and Hong Kong thanks to their simple-to-use display, convenience, and professional services.

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